Sport Legacies Research Collaborative

Welcome to the Sport Legacies Research Collaborative (SLRC) website! The SLRC was established by the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) at the University of Toronto in 2010 with an expressed mandate for empirically and critically analyzing whether or not major sports events like the Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup and others, create enduring physical activity, sport, health and social integration impacts in the communities in which they are staged. SLRC aims to, through joint local, national and international research, empirically document and evaluate the legacies of major games and sports events on sports participation, physical cultures, social life and the built environment in host regions.

About Us

Our Mission

To partner with local, national and global researchers, the public and private sector, in order to empirically monitor, document and evaluate the impacts, effects and legacies of major sports events and to better inform polices and practices that address sustained improvements in physical activity, healthy living, community development and sport for all.

Operating Principles

Led by the University of Toronto's Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, the Sport Legacies Research Collaborative (SLRC), was designed to facilitate and coordinate activities, among academics, policy-makers and non-governmental organizations, that address how major games may alter the social organization, cultural prominence, collective impact, and personal experience of sport, exercise, play and physical activity and education in the round.

Our Main Objectives

Research and Evaluation: conducting and integrating multi-disciplinary approaches to address social impacts of major games and sports events.

Partnership and Collaboration: strengthening existing relationships, developing new interdisciplinary connections and harnessing expert advice.

Mentorship and Training: facilitating experiential education opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.

Translation and Knowledge Mobilization: engaging in a dialogue with stakeholders and ensuring effective communication is maintained so that knowledge becomes actionable.


Priorities and Projects

The Sport Legacies Research Collaborative (SLRC) is a gathering place, a bulletin board, and a clearinghouse for research to be carried out in relation to the legacy outcomes of the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games. To this end, the SLRC seeks to stimulate the formation of local, national and international research collaborations within three core substantive themes around the 2015 Games; namely, the relationship between major sports events and:

1) Participation
2) Population Health/Health
3) Community Building

Report Card

The SLRC is currently working with interested partners to develop a clear action plan and report card strategy for observing, measuring and evaluating the impacts of the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games on the city of Toronto and the province of Ontario more broadly.

SLRC Members

The Sport Legacies Research Collaborative (SLRC) is dedicated to building an interdisciplinary network of experts that are interested in empirically documenting and evaluating the legacies of major games on sports participation, physical cultures, social life and the built environment in the host regions.

Ken Allison

Public Health Ontario
Legacy of Mega-Sporting Events on Public Health

Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos
McMaster University
Disability, Chronic Disease and Disability

Meaghan Carey
University of Albera
Social Impact of Mega Events, Sport & Urban Development
Jeff Carmichael
Toronto Sports Council
Sustainable Participation in Sport, Social Inclusion in Sport
Laurence Chalip
University of Texas at Austin
Sport Policy, Sport Tourism, Event Leverage
Geoff Dickson
Auckland University of Technology
Sport Participation & Volunteer Capacity Legacies

Yoav Dubinsky
University of Ottawa
Nation Branding & the Olympic Games

Travis Feezell
Belmont Abbey College
Sport and Development, Sport Policy, Nationalism

Susan L. Forbes
Lakehead University
Socio-Cultural & Gender Factors Associated with Injury & Injurious Behaviour
Lynn Lavallee
Ryerson University
Indigenous Sport, North American Indigenous Games
Jill Le Clair
Humber College ITAL
Swimming Para-Pan Games
David Legg
Mount Royal University
Legacy of Paralympic Games

Lori Livingston

Lakehead University
Sport Officiating, Sport Injury, Injurious Behaviour


Cora McCloy
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
Effects of the Games on Promoting Healthy Living

Karen McGarry
York University
Ethnographic Research on Mass Media
Marc Mitchell
University of Toronto
Public Health Legacies of Mega-Sporting Events
Laura Misener
University of Western Ontario
Social Impact of Sport Events
Yuka Nakamura
York University
Legacy of Mega Sporting Events
Barbara Olmsted
Nipissing University
School-Based Impacts of Pre-Games, Games, & Post-Games
Craig Paiement
Ithaca College
Sport Policy & Governance, Sport Tourism
Joseph Recupero
Sheridan College/ Centennial College
Broadcasting Evolution of the Games in Canada
Jennifer Robertson
Public Health Ontario
Building Health Promotion Capacity
Parissa Safai
York University
Critical Study of Sport at the Intersection of Risk,
Health & Healthcare
Art Salmon
Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport
Health Aspects of Physical Activity
Michelle Stone
University of Toronto
Physical Activity Measurement
Brandy Tanenbaum
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Injury Prevention, Sports Safety
Marijke Taks
University of Windsor
Economic Impact, Tourism Behaviour & Leveraging of Sport Events

Scott Thomas
University of Toronto
Role of Sport Events in Public Health, Determinants of Sport Performance
Robert VanWynsberghe
University of British Columbia
Sport Mega-Event Impacts, Sustainability Education
Olanna White
Toronto Public Health
Potential Health Impacts of the Pan American Games

SLRC Partners

The Sport Legacies Research Collaborative has partnered with the Toronto Community Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and the Ontario Trillium Foundation to build social capital legacies by leveraging the 2012 Ontario Summer Games and the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games.

Playing for Keeps will create a legacy of healthier, more active and stronger communities and a deepened sense of belonging through a collaborative, innovative and strategic approach.


KPE Faculty

  • Professor Emeritus, Sport Policy & Politics
  • Associate Professor, Social Justice & Equity in Sport